Camino de Santiago | US-Mexico Border


Camino Pilgrimage

A 6-month cohort seeking wholeness in Identity, Vocation and Leadership

In partnership with the Center for Action and Contemplation, the Camino Pilgrimage is an intimate 6-month cohort for dominant culture male faith leaders who are seeking wholeness (peace) in their identity, vocation, and leadership. We trust that tending to this deep, internal work will directly impact how we embody equity, justice, and peace in our unique contexts of leadership.

We create space for peers who want to do the good, hard, slow work of confronting conflicts within ourselves that inhibit our ability to lead more equitably and collaboratively. We have elders to guide our learning, and the journey culminates with a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago.

Border Pilgrimage

An immersion trip offering tools for creating a society where everyone has a home.

A journey into the relational and systemic implications of borders. While the pilgrimage is set in the context of the Mexico/U.S. border, the learning offers tools to evaluate and transcend any border that divides. The church of the present and future will have the posture and practice to heal society as central to our faith.

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